
Full Day Workshops

Emotional Wellness

This workshop helps us understand the equation between the work and the rest-of-life. The workshop coaches us on rediscovering the right balance between the two.

This workshop is for people who are focussed on recreating the success to the point of excluding other aspects of life such as health, family and so on leading to work-life imbalance. Signs of back pain, exhaustion, insomnia, weight gain, anxiety are some of the symptoms of imbalance.

Emotional wellness is key to success in personal, professional and business relationships creating uncompromised success.

Stress-Free Leadership

Leaders face the greatest challenge being responsible for managing people, finance, business growth and profit. This can be very stressful and challenging to balance all the demands they face on every side.

This workshop guides the executives and leaders of the organisation, way to identify and transform stress points in their team. Helps create a stress-free environment for growth, motivation and performance for themselves and team. Focusing on communication, professional relationships, business model and performance for results.

Leadership is key to success in any endeavour. Team performance is best when they are in an environment that promotes performance and minimises stress.