What is Life Coaching?

We create our own destiny!

We really do create our destiny by using very powerful tools which are our own emotions, behaviour, ethics and beliefs. When these aspects of our psyche start pulling us in different conflicting directions, no matter what we try, how hard we struggle, we feel stuck. Even simple conflicts can get very complicated and affect every aspect of life. That is when life becomes stressful, complicated and tiring. Occasionally it leads to anxiety, grief, depression and panic. We gradually lose Zest in life.

Life coach is an expert in life who helps us understand these issues, to see them from bigger life perspective to resolve and align all our powers and resources with our purpose. Helps us learn to use tools which we draw upon from within ourselves, to take new life transforming path forward in life with renewed confidence, clarity and focus.

This process creates harmony, free us from inner struggles and changes way we see our world. Suddenly we have more energy, more time, more meaning to life, we start to forget getting tired and move forward towards our chosen destiny.

Finding more Zest in life, is about being happy and excellent in all aspects of life, profession, family, society and health. Doing what we believe in as it energises us to do even more. Zest in life was created as a way of reaching out to others who desire to rekindle the zest in their lives.

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